geomagnetic activity
- 网络地磁活动;地磁活动性;地磁活动变化;地磁活动情况

It is assesed that the possible maximum 1-year ( and 10-year ) GIC values are 78 ( 234 ) A / phase on the Hydro-Queb é c power system according to the statistical analysis of geomagnetic activity .
The solar flare and geomagnetic activity influence obviously the distribution of the electron density ;
An estimation of geomagnetic activity maximum in twenty first solar cycle
Effect of geomagnetic activity and Solar-cycle variation on the ring current ions
The evolutionary relations of coronal holes with solar cycles and geomagnetic activity
Characteristics of Whistler propagation at Wuchang and their correlation with geomagnetic activity
It was found that the occurrence rate , current intensity and density increase with an increasing level of geomagnetic activity .
Compared with the geomagnetic activity , the solar activity did not evidently affect the scintillation occurrence .
The relationship between the enhancement events of ionospheric Es in the Far Bast region of the world and geomagnetic activity is examined .
The dependence of ion energy density on different geomagnetic activity levels indicated by Kp indices has been studied . A linear correlation of energy density with Kp has been found .
In addition , the solar flux and geomagnetic activity proxies that we have employed do not capture some latitude and inter-annual variations detected in our data .
In this paper , the possibility of the nonlinear prediction for geomagnetic activity by using AE index is approached with the method of radial basis function and weighted average of neighboring points .
The statistical results are presented here of the diurnal variation of occurrence frequency , the correlation with geomagnetic activity and the relationship with the background plasma convection pattern for above two types of pulsation events .
The influences of the IMF sector boundaries of four different types on the geomagnetic field activity
The Correlation Between Field Aligned Currents and Geomagnetic and Substorm Activity